Today I put on my favourite Russian band, DDT, and we had a go at cooking pelmeni. I used the recipe on Olga’s Flavour Factory but I did cut it in half. We didn’t have the patience to make her full batch. I followed most of the recipe but I did not have any cabbage so I simply had a pork filling.
While editing The Girl from the Hermitage there was quite a bit of debate between me, my editor and copy editor about how to describe pelmeni. Olga describes them as a Russian dumpling on the recipe. I have also heard them described as a Russian ravioli. The dough is a bit more rubbery than a ravioli.
Pelmeni are a standard item in any Russian freezer. It is a go-to easy meal like fish fingers in the UK. When I was in Moscow, I’ll be honest and say I was never a huge fan of pelmeni. But a couple of months ago I went to a friend’s house and she had some fabulous homemade pelmeni that were delicious.
The pelmeni turned out fabulous and the whole family enjoyed a nice pelmeni dinner tonight. And then they all ordered an absurd quantity of Russian chocolate online. And the virtual e-book celebration continues!
Taking a break from the blog over the weekend. More Russian treats to follow next week.